Wednesday, January 7, 2009

100 Years Old

I just finished having cookies and tea with
a wonderful group of ladies. When I arrived
home and Jeremy was reminded of where
I was,he was thrown. He asked if I was 100.
Thinking more about it later I realized, maybe
I am. I really like knitting, reading, playing with
my cats, gardening,(wait there's more) puzzles,
cards and my nickname is Gertie(long story.)
What I'm getting to is this, I apologize for not
keeping everyone up to date. I've been
( I guess you could call it) busy over break.

So, here's the news.
I counted and we only have about 15 pages left of
paper work! We are scheduled next week for
Baby Basic 101. Bathing, feeding, changing, and
burping are all on the agenda. This is the only one
that annoys me. Jeremy and I both grew up with
kids around. And if we have a question, isn't that
what our moms are for. Anyway, we also have
Infant CPR and our Fire Inspection the week after
our Columbus trip. Ryan and Angela are coming over
first for a pre-fire inspection. Thanks guys.
Then we should be able to schedule our home study.
Alyson and Stephanie, don't forget you offered to come
over and paint the cave bathroom. Everyone else,
if you have any good pictures of Jeremy and I, we would
like to use them for our profile. The agency asked us to
send in pictures of us looking young and healthy. Any
shots of the above activities then should probably be put
on hold.

Much Love, Liz


Anonymous said...

Oh Liz, you are so funny. You also enjoy gardening, hiking, lounging on the beach, baking cookies with your nephew and niece, so I would say 65 maybe, but definetly not 100. Emailed you some pictures, check them out.
Much Love, Jess

Stephanie Quinn said...

Let me know a good time (after painting or whatever) to come take pictures of the house. Jeremy and I have talked about it a few times.

Mrs. Shorr said...

Thanks Stephanie. When some of this snow starts melting, I'll give you a call. :)